Development Setup

In order to take part in the development you need to setup the following tools.


You can install nvm and run this command at the root of the project structure to use the required version of node

nvm install
nvm use


You install the node version manually, that specified in the .nvmrc file, that can also be found at the top of this readme file, from the official site.


Package management is done with yarn, for consistency use the version from the badge specified at the top of the readme file or higher.

Install all dependencies

Note: Always make sure to use the specified version of node before developing or installing all dependencies, they are node version specific !!!

To download and install all dependencies to the node_modules folder run




You can use the following scripts to develop, test, lint, format, deploy (, …) the project.

yarn analyze   # starts webpack and the webpack-bundle-analyzer
yarn build     # transpiles the source code into the dist/ folder
yarn clean     # removes the dist/ and coverage/ folders
yarn lint      # lints all files
yarn prettier  # runs prettier to autoformat the code
yarn start     # start the webpack development server on port 8080
yarn test      # run jest to check all test suites (*.spec.ts)